Saturday, April 23, 2011

Edward Curtis [1869-1952]

A grade school dropout, this Pennsylvania kid began building his own cameras at a very early age. He is known for taking pictures of Native Americans and the American West.

On the Banks of Missouri
Amazing shot of a person's silhouette at the edge of a cliff. Very quiet, very still, very soothing to ponder in nature. I like the division of the horizon. THe image is almost divided into 4 squares, making for thought out and well balanced compositon.

Bow River-Blackfoot
This beautiful image of an indian hydrating his horse.  The way this is composed draws the eye into the indians hat and slowly falls into the water through the horse's head. The texture of the ripples in the water is very interesting. That's pretty big horse, eh?

Arikara Girl
Simple shapes, nice contrast and good lighting make for this breath-taking profile of a young woman of the Arikara people. I really like the way her nose peeks through and how shiny her hair is. The stones or shells spice p this other wise bland portrait.

Painted Lodges - Piegan
Repetition of shapes makes the image uniform. A nice transition from the ground up or from the sky onto the floor. I don't think it is all that interesting but i did like it.

Hopi Angel. 1905
Graceful little girl, titled as an angel and I can only defy it so much since she looks gorgeous in this photograph. her eyes and their gaze... wow. I wish the background was a little lighter but whatever, a very nice image.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Manuel Alvarez Bravo [1902-2002]

Running Boy. 1950's
The triangle of the boy's legs with that cable and post are quite nice. It's crazy how the his legs are pretty much at the same angle as the cable's...
 The door and the window have a rectangular  resemblance as well.

El Color 1966
I love the framing done of the person sweeping. It politely asks your eye like "Hey, come look at this real quick." The serpentine figure in the door on the left is interesting. The photograph it self is almost divided into 3 backgrounds, unified as one through the ground.
Flight Over The Sea. 1939

Amazing how the seagulls[?] are flying parallel to the sea and its waves. At first glance they were kind of hard to notice but since the eye reads this horizontally, the eye immediately cathes the birds alignment and is able to appreciate it. 

Lovers of the Fake Moon. 1970's
What I like about this photograph was this big moonlike shape, more like a concrete patch i think, and how it goes nice diagonally with the other elements in this image. Two boys walking down the street, the sign is divides into 2, there' asymmetrical balance of the big wall and the small ground... All factors of what makes this composition work so well. Nothing fancy, yet nothing less.